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How to Find a Lost Drone Without a Tracker – Real Life Tips and Ideas on Drone Tracking
You have lost your drone. Now what? If you are a serious drone enthusiast, or even just a beginner drone flyer, chances are; you have had to ask this question at some point or another. I’ve lost my drone, how to find a lost drone without a tracker (gps tracker)? Don’t you worry, I have a large number of ideas and suggestions on how to find your lost drone without having any tracking device connected to it. This is what we do, I am also a drone enthusiast
For those that have experienced the loss of a drone, I feel your pain. This is one of the worst things that can happen to a drone owner (short of having your drone or quadcopter crash or get shot down). Losing a drone is almost like an insult to us, drones are our lives. We tell all of our friends about them, our significant others, our co-workers, everybody. Drones are our world and our life. Then one day, puff.. The drone decides to just leave on its own. Yeah, that is a great feeling isn’t it? If you have not experienced this as of yet, lucky you. Be forewarned though, this type of thing tends to happen quite a lot, and when it does; it is a definite downer. This would be where the drone tracking would commence.
Anyhow, lets get to it. Please take a look below for some suggestions on how to find a lost drone without a tracker, when you truly have everything* to lose.
As you will see, some of the Steps outlined below utilize a second drone for the recovery efforts. If you are looking for a good cheap drone to utilize for your search, please take a look below at our Top 5 Best Drones Under 200 Dollars.
Drone | |
![]() HS 300 | |
Features | 1080p HD Camera, 120° Degree FOV, Altitude Hold & RH Button, Headless Mode, Long Flight Time Range |
Camera | Yes - HD 1080p |
Rating & Price |
Buy Link | |
![]() Drocon X708W | |
Features | HD Camera, FPV, Beginner Quadcopter, Headless Mode |
Camera | Yes - HD 720p |
Rating & Price |
Buy Link | |
![]() Holy Stone F181W | |
Features | FPV, HD Camera, Good Beginner Drone, Altitude Hold, Headless Mode |
Camera | Yes - HD 720p |
Rating & Price |
Buy Link | |
![]() Tozo Q1012 | |
Features | Altitude Hold, Folding Wings, FPV, HD Camera, Headless Mode |
Camera | Yes - HD 720p |
Rating & Price |
Buy Link | |
![]() Holy Stone HS200 | |
Features | Gravity Sensor, One Key Return Home, HD Camera, Altitude Hold, FPV, Headless Mode |
Camera | Yes - HD 720p |
Rating & Price |
Buy Link | |
Alright, let’s continue. Steps on How to find a lost drone without a tracker below.
Four Common Reasons Why Drones Get Lost (None GPS Drones)
1. Failsafe / Return Home Button Malfunctions or Doesn’t Work – Most decent drones out there nowadays have failsafe or return home buttons. These buttons have one job, and one job alone; for the drone to fly back to you when you press the button. But as with all technology, things break, wiring gets disconnected, solder wears off, corrosion happens etc.. There are times when these return home buttons malfunction and completely stop working. It could happen to any drone. But then again, you do get what you pay for. Some drones are notorious for this issue, others are almost completely free from it. One drone that I do recommend which is not known for this issue is the Contixo F17 4K Camera Drone (Price: $210.00). Check it out here on Amazon for more information.
2. Strong Wind Gusts / Mother Nature / My Drone Flew Away – If you have been flying drones for any length of time, you will know that mother nature doesn’t always play nice. Although most drones nowadays are pretty sturdy and can handle some pretty rough weather, there is one drone killer out there that is hard to deal with. I am of course talking about Wind. On this part of the “how to find a lost drone without a tracker (gps tracker)” page, we delve a bit more on the issue of the wind when it comes to drones. The wind gusts can be your drone’s worst enemy. As you can imagine, the higher up in altitude that you get; more windy it becomes. I know out of personal experience, living in Denver, Colorado. Drones truly do have to battle against some forces, unseen forces. Wind can take a toll on a drone. It can carry it out of controller range, it can bang it against a tree, wall or other obstacle. Winds are a common thing to worry about when flying your drone. It is best to be aware of what the weather will be like before going out there with your drone.
How to Find a Lost Drone Without a Tracker continued..
3. The Battery on the Drone Died – Having the battery on your drone or quadcopter die can be a real headache. Imagine this, you are flying your drone out there on a beautiful sunny day; then the dreaded low-battery warning/alarm comes-on, either on your controller’s indicator or on your tablet/smart phone. Typically, the battery alarm should give you adequate time to fly your drone back, but at other times if not careful, this could backfire. Now, one important thing. Always, and I really mean that… Always make sure that you are keeping tabs on the battery life of your drone. Too many times have drones become lost or damaged due to drone pilots not paying attention to the battery indicators. Don’t be one of them. Then again, if this is the reason why you have come here, just don’t let it repeat. Now on a good note, we are almost getting to the good stuff. In just a bit, I will share with you some good tips and ideas on how to find a lost drone without a tracker.
4. Receiver / Controller Distance is too Large (DJI Phantom is Notorious for This) – This is an all too common issue with drone flyers these days ..There you are, having a good time with your friends in the mountains; showing off the drone to everyone, and then all of a sudden, you completely lose control of your drone. Your controller has stopped communicating with the drone. This is a drone pilot’s worst nightmare; you have zero control of your drone and have no idea where it is (this is all happening as you just started taking some awesome footage of this majestic mountain lion taking a drink of water on the other side of the mountain).
Before We get into the Tips and Ideas, please take a look at the product showcased below to help prevent such lost-drone issues, the Marco Polo Drone Tracker. This is a product that could potentially save you a headache of a lost drone (whether a cheap drone or an expensive one). The Marco Polo Drone Tracker is a good way to never lose your drone again. Click here to be taken to the product’s page for more information on Amazon. You won’t regret it.
14 Things to Try When Working on Your Lost Drone Recovery Project
1. Foot Search / Go For a Walk – Yep, this is the simplest thing to do and you should definitely try it. Not only will you shed some of those unwanted pounds in the process, but this no-nonsense approach to finding that lost drone is usually pretty effective. Before you decide to skip out on the rest of this list to go for that walk, have a look below for more tips/ideas on the top. How to find a lost drone without a tracker (gps tracker) continues.
2. Use a Second Drone / Quadcopter to Search for the Lost Drone – If you’ve got a second drone with a working camera, charge it up and consider taking it with you for that walk mentioned in the 1st tip. It doesn’t matter how old this second drone is, as long as it has a working camera and can at least fly some distance from the controller, we are in business (No glamorous 4K camera’s are needed for this job). Heck, even if you don’t have a second drone, it might even be worth buying one from Amazon or go and check out our Best Drone Under 200 Dollars page cheap drone ideas (what a sales pitch huh? …With all seriousness though, it might be worth a shot to pick up a cheep drone just for this task, heck who knows; you might even like it in the end). All joking aside. Use this second drone to get a bird’s eye view of the landscape. Make a few passes, look for anything that stands out in the grass, water, rocks, roofs etc.. This is something that could really pay off if you know the general area where the lost drone went missing. If you need a second drone for an even cheaper price, say around $50; with FPV, VR and an HD Camera, I’ve got a page for you to look at: Best Drone For Under $50 Dollars.
3. Check the Trees – Yep, this is very common when your drone’s gone missing and you are looking at our “how to find a lost drone without a tracker” ideas. Not a whole lot to say on this, except for you to check the trees. If you are a daredevil and like racing drones through forests, trees, taking tree-top scenic shots, then this might be for you. If you have a second drone as mentioned in tip #2, take it out for a spin and fly above the treeline to see if you spot anything. Take a walk in the forest as well to see if the drone might have fallen through some of the tree branches but not all the way to the ground. It might be stuck on a tree branch somewhere.
4. Drone Lights / Visual Stuff (Now we are starting to get into some good ideas/tips) – If you are lucky enough that your drone’s battery still had some juice in it (maybe it just flew out of the controller’s range, bird got it, wind knocked it down etc..), this could be a really good thing for you. The key here is to wait until night fall. Yeah I know, might not be the smartest idea to do this if there is a mountain lion roaming out there somewhere. Anyhow, lets continue. From tip #2 (yep, this tip keeps coming back, might want to really check out that “best drone under 200” page mentioned earlier), as night has now fallen, fire up drone #2’s engines and start making some passes around the general area where the 1st drone went down. With the blinking lights from the downed drone, you should be able to easily spot it. Continuing… how to find a lost drone without a tracker (gps tracker)…
5. Never Turn the Controller Off / Hit the Return & Go Home Button On Controller – Chances are that it is too late to try this if you are reading this page, but I’ll go ahead and throw this out there anyway, who knows it might help somebody out in the future. Never, ever turn the controller off, this is super important. If your drone loses controller connectivity and you start losing the video feed, you want to just go ahead and press the Return & Go Home button on your controller immediately. The first thing that happens when a drone starts going out of the controller’s range is that the live video feed will typically go out. The video feed going out doesn’t mean all is lost necessarily. You might still have some connectivity to the drone even if the feed cuts out. Go ahead and just press that return & go home button, it might save the day
6. Most Displays and Application Monitors show Telemetry Information on the Bottom -Try not to get scared off by the big Telemetry* word. This is a common feature that can be found on most controllers (physical controller, IPAD or smart phone). If you start losing communication and connectivity with your drone. look very carefully at your controller. You will see the telemetry information on the bottom that shows you which direction your drone was drone flying away to as well as what the distance is from the last good connectivity point. Watch the telemetry very closely. If after hitting the “return & go home” button, the drone starts coming back, the distance numbers on the telemetry viewer should start coming down. Which at this point, you were in luck and can stop reading (really shouldn’t though, just in case this happens again and the previous tips don’t work for the future lost drone issue). If after hitting the return & go home button nothing changes with the distance numbers, either the return-home button doesn’t work, the drone is grounded somewhere or you have completely lost connectivity with the unit and it is still flying away (but most likely in the general direction where you last saw it going on the telemetry viewer). Still haven’t figured out how to find a lost drone without a tracker? Continue on reading, we’re almost half way there.
7. Screen Capture Could be Your Best Friend when Trying to Figure out How to Find a Lost Drone Without a Tracker – As soon as you start experiencing flaky video, losing communication with the drone, noticing interference etc, you should immediately do a screen capture if you can. By doing a screen capture on your phone or IPAD, you can at least have a reference point (if you have a physical controller, take your phone out and take a picture). You should also try this, take the screen capture of the general area where your drone camera is pointing to; next, point the drone’s camera straight down and take a second screen capture of the actual ground where your drone is currently at. This way, you now can have a visual idea of the vicinity where the drone might be going down. You will just have to walk over to the general area where the drone went down and match the terrain to find it (somewhat like a treasure hunt map).
8. Listen and Look for Blinking Red Lights – As long as there is battery juice left in the lost/downed drone, you should be able to just walk over to the general vicinity of where the flyer went down and try to listen in on any weird noise in the area. If the drone fell through trees, grass, asphalt etc.. chances are that one of the propeller blades will be making noise by either hitting tree branches, leafs, grass, dirt etc.. If the blade is still spinning, you should be able to hear it. Another thing to remember is that most drones have faulty propeller blade light blinking. If you remember tip #4 about the lights, you should keep in mind that most drones give off a blinking red light when the blades are malfunctioning to let the operator know to change them out or repair the issue. If this is the case, use the second drone from tip #2 to fly out there and look for blinking red lights (easy to spot if the drone’s battery is still going strong).
9. Again, Never Turn the Controller Off – If you are looking for your downed lost drone and walk near it, your controller will reconnect with the unit and you should at that point work out how to locate it either via the drone’s icon on your screen or the drone’s video camera view (see where it is located, exact telemetry). All of this is of course possible only if your controller is still turned on and the drone has some juice left in the battery.
10. Controller Keeps Drone’s Last Location – The controller will usually keep the drone’s last known location on the screen before connectivity and communication with the unit was lost. If you look at the telemetry of the last know path, you can start walking towards that area to start the search. This is usually a good way to get things moving in the right direction when you are trying to figure out how to find a lost drone without a tracker.
11. Controller Saves Complete Course of Flight – Some Drone Manufacturers like DJI have their controller’s save the complete flight path of the drone right into the controller or the cloud. The controller will also show you where you are exactly on the map adjacent to where the drone flew as you start walking in that area. This way you could use this tool to walk right over the drone’s recorded path where it flew until you come across it. The controller shows up as a blip on the map. You can use the screenshots that you took earlier together with the controller’s saved flight map. This is a pretty effective way of locating the unit if available. Continue reading for more tips on how to find a lost drone without a tracker.
12. Put Together Some Posters – Create some posters and offer up a reward to anyone that comes across your drone. Most people are actually good people and will return belongings. Especially if there is a reward to be received if returned.
13. Check Craigslist / Ebay – If you happened to save the Serial Number from the drone (This could come in handy), you should start looking on Craigslist and Ebay to see if you might get lucky. As mentioned earlier, most people are actually good people that will return belongings, but not everybody is. If you come across your item on Craigslist or Ebay, you can message the user and let them know that he is trying to sell your personal item that you bought (you have the serial number). You could also just contact the authorities and let them know whats going on.
14. Lastly, Drone Logs in IPAD / Smart Phone – Most drones keep some type of log saved in your IPAD or smart phone from your drone’s app. This might have important information in there, drone’s serial number, last know coordinates etc.. Might be work checking.
This ends the How to Find a Lost Drone Without a Tracker section. Please continue reading below for more information on how not to ever have a “I lost my drone” situation happen to you again.
5 Tips on How NOT to Lose a Drone
Well folks, I just covered 14 tips on how to find a lost drone without a tracker. Now, lets get into something else that is also SUPER IMPORTANT. What are some things that can be done in order to prevent this type of a ordeal. Nobody, and I mean nobody wants to be in a position where their drone just disappears. Imagine, you just spend $1,000 on your new toy (this is a new upgrade from your previous drones as you have now mastered the flight of drones), you took it out for a nice flight. 10 minutes into your flight, your brand new drone lost all connectivity with the controller. You can see it flying away, but you have zero control over it and panic starts setting in. This is that dreaded scenario that nobody wants to experience. But it happens quite often. This is why I believe that it is super important that we go over a few things that can protect your drone. In reality, I want to protect you from having to come back to this “how to find a lost drone without a tracker” page due to you having an I lost my drone experience. Now that I’ve got your attention (hopefully), lets proceed!
TIP #1. Place Some Trackers on the Drone; Yeah, Its That Simple / Drone Tracking – The are 3 different kinds of trackers can be placed on the drone. All 3 of these tracker types have their strengths and their weaknesses. Some are good for a variety of applications, where others are better at other applications. I will go ahead and break down these different types of trackers. They are Bluetooth trackers, Cellular trackers & Dedicated trackers.
- Bluetooth Trackers (I Give These an 6 out of 10 Score) – Pros: They are the simplest to use, least expensive and have no monthly fee. Cons: They are the least accurate, and have limited search area. The Bluetooth trackers are typically good for a couple of hundred feet, maybe a bit more if the drone is stuck in a tree. They use your typical Bluetooth technology as can be found on everyday Bluetooth devices such as speakers, headsets, gaming controllers etc.. One of the better Bluetooth Trackers is the TrackR Pixel. Click here to see it on Amazon (opens in a new tab)
- Cellular Based Trackers / GPS Drone Trackers (I Give These an 8 out of 10 Score) – Pros: Extremely accurate, can find it anywhere. Cons: Needs a cellular tower to work, has a monthly fee for cellular service. These devices use sim cards for cellular service and usually have a drone tracking app associated with them. Basically the way it works is that you place a small device on your drone, you can then track it via an app on your smart phone. Kind of like how you can see yourself on Google Maps as a blip when you are using the maps. You could basically track your lost drone by utilizing this tracker through a cellular service. It broadcasts GPS coordinates, this is why this unit is accurate. That is, as long as you are in cell tower range. The tracking device is Trackimo (Similar to the tk102 drone tracker / tk102 GPS tracker). If you are interested and would like more information about this device, click here to go to Amazon for more details. (opens in a new tab)
- Dedicated Trackers (I Give These a 10 out of 10) – Pros: All in one unit, no monthly service needed, has monitor, super accurate, 2+ mile range. Cons: none. This is an all in one tracking unit that allows for you to put a small tracker on your drone, this tracker then gives off a signal to the receiver that comes with this tracking system. The receiver has a monitor on it that you can watch. You turn the tracking on before takeoff. Point the monitor in any direction and move it until it alerts of the right direction where the Drone is. The monitor will start beeping when you point it in the right direction. The good thing about this device is that it is free after the initial purchase, there isn’t any monthly or annual fee. Once you buy it, you pair it enough, it works forever. You can pair multiple devices to it (to track your dog, cat, car etc..). The tracking device is Marco Polo Drone Tracker (very appropriate name). If you are interested in finding out more about this tracking device, click here to be taken to Amazon’s product page for it. (opens in a new tab)
Tips continued below for drone tracking purposes.. How to Find a Drone Without GPS
TIP #2. Press Down on the Throttle – As you start seeing video choppiness and start losing connectivity with the drone, you should press down on the throttle to get the drone up higher (where you can see it), make a mental note of where it is and start making your way into that direction. This helps with things like, no line of sight to the drone, trees are in the way, walls etc..
TIP #3. FPV Monitor – Check to see where the drone might fall via the First Person View Monitor before you completely lose all connectivity and communication with the drone. Try to fly the drone over to a clearing and pay close attention to where it might fall using the FPV monitor. Make a mental note of this area.
TIP #4. Use Velcro Strips – Quite a lot of the time when a drone falls down to the ground, the battery comes out of the drone and disconnects. You can add a Velcro strip to the battery compartment to give it some extra support.
TIP #5. Lost Drone Alarm – This is a cool little device that has a small speaker attached to it. You will need to add this to the drone’s structure somewhere (preferably somewhere on the drone’s frame). If your drone ever gets lost, the lost drone’s alarm will start buzzing. The device that we are talking about is the “HK’s Discovery Buzzer”. It looks crude and scary, but it is really easy to attach it to your drone. You can find more information on it here on Amazon.
TIP #6. Buy a Good Drone – This is somewhat of a no-brainer one. Just spend a little extra cash and purchase a drone that has a ton of good reviews and ratings about it. The more expensive drone manufacturers tend to spend a bit more time and energy on making good quality drones that have awesome ranges (3+ miles), strong battery life, good controller quality, awesome apps etc. I can recommend one drone type here that kind of hits on all of these notes. Plus it has a 4K camera The drone is the Force1 F100 Ghost. The drone price is under $200. Yeah, not too bad right, lower priced cheap drones can be great as well, right? Anyhow, have a look here on Amazon and see if this might be something you like. Click here to go visit Amazon’s page for the Force1 F100 Ghost. (opens in a new tab)
I really hope that I was able to help out even just a little bit in figuring out your “How to Find a Lost Drone Without a Tracker” problem. Losing a drone is not a joking matter and I don’t take such things lightly. Please go ahead and try any of the above tips to find your lots drone, and protect your current drones with some of the available trackers that I mentioned. It’s just like insurance. Nobody really wants to pay for insurance, but when you need it; it comes in real handy. Thank you for stopping in and please feel free to check out the rest of the website. As always, happy flying..
Additional Resources for Finding Your Lost Drone!
Lost Drone Recovery Project
If you are working on recovering your lost drone, this is a good place to start. The Lost Drone Recovery Project page provides a guide on the steps that you will need to take in order to locate your lost machine. This is a pretty good starter guide to get you started and going in the right direction. Feel free to check it out so that you can kick things off in terms of starting the search, if still having issues; you can go ahead and incorporate this page here and combine the two for best results when looking into how to find a lost drone without a tracker issue. Please click here to check out the Lost Drone Recovery Project Guide. As always, if you need any clarification on anything at all or if you have any how-to questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us via our Contact Us link in the top right hand corner. We typically respond back within 48 hours or so. Good Luck with your search.
How to Find a Lost Sky Viper Drone
The Sky Viper Drones are pretty popular and good sellers. But as you might have found out by now, they can also get lost as any other drone. What do you do in a case such as this where a Sky Viper Drone gets lost? Generally speaking, you should definitely try all of the things that we mentioned on this page above with the 14 tips and ideas. We will go ahead and write up a guide on how to find a lost sky viper drone that pertains to this type of a drone here shortly, please stay tuned and bookmark our page. And here it is, as promised. Please take a look at the how to find a lost sky viper drone page. You won’t regret it, I promise.
My Drone Flew Away
So your drone flew away. This typically means that your controller most likely lost connectivity with the drone due to issues with either the drone’s battery running out or because the drone ended up flying too far out of the controller’s range. As mentioned above on this how to find a lost drone without a tracker page, the usual signs of this happening are when the FPV camera starts cutting in and out during flight. When this happens, you should immediately press the return home button to have your drone come back to you. We have written up a short article on the my drone flew away issue here, please take a look.
How to Find a Lost DJI Drone
DJI Drones and how to locate them after they go missing. There are quite a few cases where the DJI drone has gotten lost and we definitely will provide some tips on how to find a lost DJI drone here in an upcoming article to give additional aid along with this guide here on this page when searching for your lost drone. The page that you are on now “How to find a lost drone without a tracker” is a pretty good resource on its own accord, but we will definitely specifically discuss strategies on how to find a lost dji drone sometime in the near future. You have waited long enough, the official How to Find a Lost DJI Drone (Click) is here.
Drone Tracking App
There are a variety of Mobile apps out there that can be used in your search to find a lost drone. You can have two different types of apps, aftermarket apps or drone tracking apps that come with actual drone tracking hardware. The aftermarket apps are pretty good as they provide a range of different features for drone pilots. Features such as air traffic watch, weather conditions, drone tracking and more. The drone tracking apps that come with drone tracking equipment are typically just utilized for drone tracking and work with the tracking hardware. If you would like some more information on how the apps work segment, please click here to be taken to our in-depth guide for drone tracking app.
TK102 GPS Tracker & TK102 Drone Tracker
This TK102 GPS tracking device is one of the cheapest ways of tracking your drone. Cell service is required with a simcard. Also, a drawback for this device is that it only utilizes the 2G Network (which is almost completely gone due cellular companies moving over to 3G and 4G Networks. This is not a product that we would recommend. If you are still interested in finding out more about it, we will be writing up an article on this device as well. Please stay tuned, the TK102 Drone Tracker article and guide will be coming out soon.
Lost Drone Alarm
As mentioned on this “how to find a lost drone without a tracker” page, this little device can be handy when trying to locate your lost drone. The device emits a loud buzz alarm that can alert you to the vicinity of your downed drone. The only problem with this device is that it it doesn’t have that great of a range. Just imagine this, you are flying your drone up in the fields somewhere or mountains. If the land is full of hills, chances are that you will not be able to find your lost drone as the sound of the alarm will not be loud enough. We are also working on an article for this issue for you to check out, please stay tuned.
How to Find a Lost Drone Without a Tracker & How to Find a Lost Sky Viper Drone
Need more reading material? Check out our drone camera price in Pakistan page here. It is a complete guide on how to choose a good drone.
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