Page Contents
- What Is The Best Drone Price in Nepal?
- What Is Your New Drone Primarily Going to Be Used For?
- What Type Of Features Are You Looking for On Your New Drone?
- What Physical Size Of A Drone Are You Comfortable With?
- Are You Looking For An Indoor Or An Outdoor Drone?
- What Is A Comfortable Price Range For Your New Drone?
- Do You Already Have Your Mind Set On a Particular Drone? Drone Price in Sri Lanka
- Related
What Is The Best Drone Price in Nepal?

IMPORTANT NOTE: Even if you are NOT from Nepal, this is still a Great Guide that provides a ton of drone camera price information, no matter where in the world you are.
There are a few different ways of figuring this all out. To understand the question of what is the best drone price in Nepal, one must learn a little something about drone technology in general. I will go ahead and go into some detail as far as what you could expect out of your drone. By the time you are done reading this page, you will be able to narrow down your camera drone buying decision. You will have a better idea of the type of drone you are interested in. This is why we are here, to make this experience easy and painless. I will mention different drone makes and models as we go based on the criteria that we cover through the guide. Without further adieu, lets get this all started. Below you will find a detailed guide on what the best drone price in Nepal is.
What Is Your New Drone Primarily Going to Be Used For?
The first thing to think about when looking at making a drone purchasing decision, is what type of use you will need to get out of a drone. There are many, and I mean many different ways to use a drone. You can use it for both private and professional use. Some ways of using the drone are outlined here: There is drone racing, drones for a hobby, drones for agriculture, drones for photography, drones for real estate work, drones for delivering packages / goods, and many more. As you will find out further down as you continue reading, the type of use that you will have out of your drone will determine the type of a drone that you will need. This all impacts your purchasing price and the drone price in Nepal or anywhere else in the world. Lets go ahead and break down the different drone uses below and provide some drone suggestions that will get you going in the right direction with your purchase. Our drone suggestions will try to include the best device possible for each one of the drone use categories. Without knowing your price range, I will provide a two suggestions, one for the more expensive drone and one for the cheaper alternative. Alright, let’s continue with the drone price in Nepal guide.
Before we get on with the article, I have a quick question to ask… Are you by chance looking for a cheap drone with FPV (First Person View), VR (Virtual Reality) and Camera (2.0MP – HD – 720p) capability?… lets say; for around $50? Well, it just so happens that we have a page with reviews on such a drone, or two (Priced around $50). If interested, please take a look at our Top 5 Best Drone for Under 50 Dollars page.
Racing – As you have most likely heard by now, there are drones on the market that are being sold for the sake of Drone Racing. There are already drone racing leagues established throughout the world. Leagues like the “Drone Racing League” (DRL) and “MultiGP Drone Racing”. Drone racing machines are usually stripped down of all the bells and whistles that the personal fun drones have (such as: fancy covers, no useless tricks like spinning, no altitude hold, etc.). All of these extra features that are removed help the racing drones stay lighter and leaner. This is very important with racing drones as they need to go super fast, and need to be super light. Some of these racing drones can achieve speeds of up to 120 miles per hour (yeah, super fast). The other thing about the racing drones is that they don’t really look as cool as the private or commercial ones. Racing drones are designed for one thing, and one thing alone. TOP Speed. The racing drones utilize FPV (First Person View) cameras, super light components (some form of carbon fiber usually), super powerful engines and sleek design. The racing drone price in Nepal and anywhere else really, ranges between about a $100 all the way into the thousands. If you are interested in purchasing a Racing Drone, I am providing two really good choices for you below. The two choices have some of the best racing drone features included within their respective current price range. Please click on the two images below to be taken to Amazon’s respective product page for each racing drone suggestion (Amazon’s individual pages have a ton of information and technical details on each racing drone).
Hobby & Everyday Drones – If you are like most people out there, you are probably looking for a drone that you can just speed around the neighborhood with, or take it out to the outdoors to take some cool pics and video. Most of the regular drones out there are going to have some basic features. Features like: the return home button, altitude hold button (your drone is basically able to hover in the same spot with the click of a button, this is a good feature when taking photos), one button push flips (forward, backward and side-way fun flips for acrobatics), HD camera for photos and videos, protective propeller blade guards, few different speed modes, FPV (first person view) capability and more. These are all some valuable features that you would typically look for with the hobby/everyday drones. We will cover a lot of these features in a bit more detail as you continue reading our drone price in Nepal page. I am including two links below to a couple of good drones in this category on Amazon. Once again, you have a cheaper version and a more expensive one; but both are built solid and provide a ton of fun.
Agricultural Farming Use Drones – As there are many different types of drones out there, there are also quite a few different tasks that these drones could be used for in the commercial world. Agricultural use for instance. When it comes to figuring out the drone price in Nepal for agricultural drones, it is important to narrow down the different types of agriculture drones. There are a variety of these drones out there, they can be used for tasks such as the following: crop scouting, yield monitoring, drought assessment, soil and field analysis, planting seeds, crop spraying, crop and field monitoring, irrigation and others. As you can see, there are many different uses for drone technology. Some important features of the agricultural drones are: long flight time, high end camera system (for surveying, field analysis), thermal imaging (this could be useful for surveying), multi spectral sensor (for seeing wet spots on the ground), LIDAR (for checking elevation changes and irrigation issues), radar sensing, mapping sensors, powerful propulsion for high capacity payload (useful for spraying and seeding). As these are professional mapping and farming drones, the cost is going to be a bit higher when compared to the private use drones. Most agriculture drones will be over $5,000 due to the different sensors, bigger motors, better camera systems etc. I am providing a couple of links to Amazon below with two agricultural drone choices; a cheaper drone farming system for imaging and surveying and for a sprayer. Please take a look below.
Photography & Video Drones – These types of drones are typically used by professional photographers, cinema industry individuals, amateur photographers and business professionals. The photography drones can be used for taking photographs and video in weddings, scenic magazine shoots, cinema shoots (filming of actual movie scenes), gaining competitive business intelligence, journalism use, police and military use etc. When it comes to the drone price in Nepal for photography drones, it is important to understand the types of features that are relevant when looking into purchasing a high end (as well as a low end) photography drones. Some of the necessary features of a photography drone are as follows: high clarity HD camera system (usually in the 2K range or better should be expected), 1080P camera resolution at the least, stability of the drone, altitude hold is paramount (this allows your drone to stay steady when filming or taking images), long flying time and range (this is super important as you want your drone to be able to stay flying for a longer period of time as you might need to do re-takes of your pictures and video, the range is also important as you want to be able to fly your drone as high as you want and pretty much as far as you want for the best photography shots and clips), FPV capability (the first person view is also important as you want to be able to see the pictures and footage that your drone is taking before you have it return home to you), return home button feature (this allows for you to get the drone back to you as soon as you are done taking pics and video footage). Below, we are including a couple of solid photography drones via the Amazon links. The links will contain quite a bit more details and technical specs of what exactly you will be getting with the drones. Both of the Amazon links are to a couple of solid photography machines. Take a look.
Real Estate Drones – Quite a few real estate agents nowadays are starting to notice the potential impact that drones can have on the real estate industry. Already, drones are being used to showcase homes on various Cable TV channels (like HGTV). When it comes to real estate drones, there are a variety of uses that could come out of them. You can use these drones for providing an indoor video tour of the property with your real estate drone, you could provide an aerial shot of the property and its relation to the neighborhood in the area, you could provide a scenic shot of the area (lakes, mountains, creeks, parks, etc.), you could provide close ups of the property (the roof, walls with new fresh paint, asphalt condition etc..). The question of what is a good drone price in Nepal applies to the real estate market in a huge way. If you want to stay ahead of the competition, then drones for real estate is a really good way of doing so. The drones in general have given many industries a boost already, but the real estate market definitely stands to benefit from this new tool that can be utilized to help sell housing, property and land. Just as in Photography drones, the real estate drones have the need for very similar features. I won’t go into too much detail on this as we already did with the photography drones, but some of the features are: 4K HD video camera, altitude hold, good range, long battery life, stable flight and more. Although the above two links to the photography drones on Amazon can apply here as well, I will go ahead and provide two more choices that would work for the real estate package. Please take a look below for two more Amazon links that showcase a couple of good real estate photography drones.
Drone Delivery – Now here is a favorite topic of mine, drone delivery services. As you might have heard, there is quite a lot of talk lately of package and goods delivery services to consumers via drone. Huge companies with a large footprint within the tech industry like Amazon’s Prime Air, Google’s Project Wing as well as Domino’s Pizza (none tech company), along with many others (I heard that even Walmart has a drone delivery patent). These companies alone are investing a ton of resources into the drone delivery technology. I can foresee drone delivery becoming a real business here in the near future, and to own some drone delivery machines truly would set one apart from the competition in the package and goods delivery sector. As you can imagine, drone price in Nepal is almost more important than all of the other drone use categories that we have thus far covered. Drone delivery can become a lucrative business at your local area if you jump on this before the rest of the world does. In my opinion, it doesn’t matter if you are in Nepal, Hong Kong, Norway, Washington, Paris or any other country or city in the world. If you set yourself apart as an authority within the drone delivery world in your city, you would stand to gain a lot. There are a number of important technical specs and features to consider when looking into the drone price in Nepal for package and delivery drones. For example, thrust; this is important as the drones will obviously need to be able to to lift off the ground with quite a bit of weight (in terms of package and goods delivery). The drones will also have to be super stable to not damage any of the package that it is attempting to deliver. These are just a few things to think about. Even though there currently are not a lot of delivery drones for sale, in our opinion, they will be coming out here shortly (once more interest is expressed, companies will jump on this). We have a drone below that we are showcasing from Amazon’s website. This drone can lift up to 15 Pounds and can be used as a delivery drone.
Follow Me Drones – Lastly, for the drone use category within this drone price in Nepal page, we have the follow-me drones. These drones are pretty cool as they have an awesome feature called follow-me. Follow-Me is a feature that allows for your drone to constantly fly around you and take pictures without you having to control it. It keeps a certain distance and altitude from you. These drones are predominantly used for sport. Imagine this, you are snowboarding or skiing down a steep slope and your drone is following you and flying around you the whole time taking pictures or video recording your whole down the mountain session. The way it works is that you wear a wristband controller unit that tells the drone’s built in sensor to fly around you. There are controller settings that you can set to tell the drone what distance to fly at, which altitude, if it should take video or photos, etc. As mentioned earlier, these drones can be used for sporting events, surfing, running, biking, follow-me car cinema filming and more. Some of the more important features for these particular drones are: good GPS/Transmitter system (this helps the drone coordinate its location so that it knows exactly where it is located in order to follow you accurately), recognition technology (the drones nowadays also have technology that can recognize you and just use that to follow the recognized person), good follow-me drone software (the better the software and technology, the more accurate tracking and safer your overall experience will be). I really hope that you are liking the information found so far on this drone price in Nepal page. One thing about the follow me drones, there are quite a few available on the market already, and finding the perfect one for you can be a challenge at time. As you might have already come to expect, I will go ahead and provide a couple of suggestions below for what I believe are two of the best follow-me drones currently out there. Please take a look at the Amazon links below to get a bit more information and technical details about the drones themselves.
What Type Of Features Are You Looking for On Your New Drone?
With the many different drones that are currently available on the market, there are a ton of different features to choose from. I will go ahead and explain some of these features below in more detail. At the end, I will provide a couple of suggestions for some drones that come equipped standard with most of these features included. Here we go.
Good Video Camera – When thinking about the drone price in Nepal and anywhere else in the world that you might be, this is a drone feature that absolutely should not be overlooked. Good quality video camera is a must in my opinion when it comes to choosing a new drone to purchase. As with all things, your budget will determine what type and quality of camera your drone will have. Some of the super cheap drones out there (typically under $50), will not include any camera whatsoever on the drone (I tend to stay away from these personally). As you start getting into the $50 and up drone cost range, you will start noticing that there are a variety of different camera types and camera resolutions available out there. These cameras can range from 2MP (Mega Pixel) cameras all the way up to 14MP or more. You also need to consider the resolution, 720P vs 1080P, 2K vs 4K cameras and more. We personally love awesome camera resolution and would always go with a 12MP 4K camera as a choice for video and picture taking. Our Drone suggestion for this feature will come below the “Drone Speed” section.
Tricks – At this day and age, quite a few drones will come with fun tricks and flips features. These drones are sometimes called Stunt Drones. The reason behind this feature is that it is just super fun to do and to play around with. There are quite a few parents that want to buy a drone for their child and this drone should always have a fun feature like this built into it. Some of the tricks that can be expected when looking for such a drone are: flips (drone flips forward, backwards), spins (spinning left to right repeatedly), funnels (drone turns as though stuck in a funnel), rolls (you can roll your drone to the left or right side), upside-down flight, halfway flips (drone flips halfway, then you can fly it into the other direction), hand coordinating flight (your drone is able to fly by you controlling it with your hand, yeah this is real). Please look below for our suggestion with a drone that includes this feature.
Fly Back Home Feature – This feature is almost a must when looking at buying a new drone. The fly back home button allows for you to just click a button, and no matter where your drone is currently located, it will fly back home to you. the fly back home feature should definitely be looked at when looking up the drone price in Nepal. One of the more important reasons for this is that the drone could get lost, if it starts getting lost and your controller starts losing connectivity with the drone, you can just click this button and the drone will fly right back home to you. If you would like more information on lost drones and how they might get lost, please click here to be taken to our how to find a lost drone without a tracker page. Other good reasons for the fly back home feature are: easy way to get drone back home to you when done flying, finished with video and pics taking & low battery (call the drone back home immediately). All of this is effortless and automatic, no need to tinker around with the drone trying to come back and land manually. I will make sure that this feature is included on our drone suggestion after the “Drone Speed” section below.
Good Range – Good range can be very important as you start getting serious about drones. Some of the cheaper drones only fly 30 feet, 50 feet, 100 feet and a little more. The more expensive drones tend to have the better range, all the way up to 3 miles and more (yeah, not kidding about this range). For some of the more expensive common drones (Under $1,500), you can have range of over a mile. Long range is a good feature to have so that you don’t have to worry about losing your drone due to the drone’s range (losing connectivity with the controller), better video and photography shots due to the drone being able to fly higher and further, longer range typically equals longer flight time (as most manufacturers will provide better batteries to support the longer range). These are just some of the reasons why long range drones are better to have. If this is an important feature to you, then the drone price in Nepal will reflect this as well. As mentioned previously, the better range drones are typically more expensive as it takes better (more expensive) technology to get this feature included. I will make sure to include this feature as well on our drone suggestion below.
FPV – First person view. This feature is a must if you are into taking pics and video with your drone. Also good if you are into drone racing, as it is easier to fly through an FPV controller and because you can actually see what your drone is seeing. The first person view feature is typically also included on the more expensive drones due to the fact that the technology itself is more expensive. I definitely recommend that if you are looking for a good drone price in Nepal, you should consider a drone that is FPV capable. An important thing to also remember is that with FPV drones, you will be flying them typically using first person view goggles. Cool right? This borders on the line of virtual reality, because your drone’s camera really does become your eyes in flight. I will make sure that this feature is also included on my drone suggestion that’s coming up.
GPS Tracking – GPS tracking is a neat feature to have. This type of tracking allows your drone to be guided by satellites. When you are flying your drone that is GPS capable, you can actually see where your drone is flying on a map located on your controller. The GPS feature is also pretty handy when it comes to tracking your lost drone (hopefully this never happens to you, but it does happen quite often with drones), it just makes it easier to locate your drone as you can go right up to it by following the map (hypothetically, more on this on our previously mentioned how to find your lost drone page). GPS drone control is also great as it allows for you to stop your drone at a particular location and activate the hold option on the drone for video and photo taking. This feature is super valuable and I will make sure to include it on my suggestion as well.
Drone Speed – This can also be a determining factor when trying to research a drone price in Nepal. With drone speed, there are 3 different types of drones. Beginner drones, racing drones, and professional drones. The beginner drones are typically not going to be too fast as most of those drones are utilized for learning and getting used to drone technology and drone piloting. The racing drones on the other hand are notorious for reaching high speeds, up to 120 MPH (miles per hour) and more (I have heard racing drones referred to as speed demons before). Lastly, the professional drones (such as most DJI made drones), typically have a top speed of about 60 MPH (without wind conditions). So whatever your calling is, to be a speed demon or to just cruise around under 60 MPH will determine your drone type.
We have officially arrived at the end of the “Features” section on this drone price in Nepal page. Below, I will go ahead and provide a few links to 3 different drones that have most of the features that we just went over (This are some of the better drones out there).
What Physical Size Of A Drone Are You Comfortable With?
Micro Drone – If you are looking for just a small tiny drone to play around with, then the micro size drone is for you. These little drones are awesome for beginners as well as for flying indoors. They typically have some really cool features (as listed above), such as the ability to do tricks – flips – rolls, headless mode option (the drone doesn’t have a dedicated front area), cool LED lights, etc. The drone on the Amazon link below is a really good micro sized drone that is great to fly around every day. The drone is great for both indoor and outdoor flying.
Medium Sized Drone – Drones that are medium in size can vary in design, functionality, price and design. Most medium sized drones around going to be priced all the way from $50.00 all the way up thousands of dollars. These drones are going to be the more common ones and are pretty much in use for anything that you can think of. From indoor use, outdoor use, racing, video and photography, real estate, farming, agriculture, industry, commercial and more. Most of us out there will typically get the medium sized drone and this drone price in Nepal page understands that. This is why most of the drones that we have thus far mentioned, suggested and talked about are medium in size. Since there is a plethora of medium sized drones out there, it is very hard to just select a single one as there are a ton of great drones out there. The one that we are suggesting below via the Amazon link is one that I already mentioned previously and believe that this is a great inexpensive (4K capable) medium sized drone.
Large Drones – The larger drones are typically specialized drones that are built for specific purposes. This can range from agricultural drones (crop dusting, spraying, seeding, etc) all the way to delivery drones (typically larger as they need to be able to handle heavy weight). If you are looking for a larger drone with a specific purpose in mind, I will go ahead and suggest one below via the Amazon link. This particular drone is able to carry heavy loads and is large in size. Although pricey, coming in at $13,000, it has been built with a specific task in mind. Please take a look below. This Drone price in Pakistan page is all inclusive, most types of drones are covered here.
Are You Looking For An Indoor Or An Outdoor Drone?
This is a very good question to ask when one is trying trying to determine what would be a good drone price in Nepal. As you have already read earlier on this page, there are quite a few different things to consider when looking at purchasing an indoor vs an outdoor drone. For instance, what size would you like your drone to be (as covered in the previous section)? Indoor drones tend to be smaller in size when compared to their bigger counterpart for the outside. Outdoor drones also usually have better camera systems as well as GPS tracking, less guards on the propellers (as this is additional weight) and other features. I will go ahead and break down the indoor vs outdoor drones in a bit more detail to help you better understand the key differences.
Indoor Drone Flying – A good reason why you might want to fly your drone indoors is because it is easier to learn to fly your drone in closed spaces. You won’t be as heavy handed on the throttle for the drone’s movement if you are indoors. Here is another important thing to think about, most racing drones and competitions are held indoors. Most indoor drones are going to be small and compact in size to make it easier to fly indoors. You will most likely not need a camera on your indoor drone (unless you are racing), you won’t need FPV (unless you are racing), you don’t need expensive GPS upgrades, you don’t need ridiculous speeds (unless you are racing) and more. Having an indoor drone allows for you to lose a lot of the expensive features of an outdoor drone, hence making the indoor drone cheaper. This drone price in Nepal page already mentioned quite a few really good drones earlier. One drone in particular that I previously suggested under the “Micro Drone Size” section is a good example of what an indoor drone should look like. Please feel free to take a look at the below Amazon link for this drone once again as this really is a cool little drone that is perfect for the indoors.
Outdoor Drone Flying – The outdoor drones on the other hand should have all of the bells and whistles of a cutting high tech drone. This drone price in Nepal page up to now should have done a pretty good job of explaining what most of those drone features are and how to use them. If you are looking for a good drone that is meant for the outside and that is complete with all of the awesome features that today’s drone world can offer, features like: GPS tracking, 4K camera, tricks/flips, long range, FPV mode, long battery life etc, look no more. The below Amazon link is point to DJI’s Phantom 3. DJI is probably one of the best (if not the best) drone manufacturers in the world. You just can’t go wrong with a DJI drone. Please have a look below for our suggestion. Both the зрфтещь 4 drone and the зрфтещь 3 drone are really great. DJI’s Phantom 3 Below.
What Is A Comfortable Price Range For Your New Drone?
This is an important questions to ask as there is a variety of different drones that can cost anywhere from $20 all the way into the tens of thousands. When it comes to the drone price in Nepal, one should decide how much one is willing to spend in order to purchase the exact drone that they want. A more expensive drone price will provide you with a better solution. As they say, quality over quantity.
Drones Under $100 – Most drones under the $100 price range will provide you with a drone product that is really not meant to last for a very long time. Most drones for this price will not have some of the best features that you could get with the more expensive ones. And if they do have some of the good features, they won’t be of high quality. For example, these drones could have a camera, but it typically will not be a 4K or even a 2K camera. The range is usually not that great, the battery doesn’t last very long, and so on. Drones under $100 typically are just beginner drones. How it usually goes is like this; buy your first drone under $100, learn how to fly this drone and play around with it. Learn it’s limits. When bored with this drone, do some research and upgrade to a better one. Think really hard on what the best drone price in Nepal might be for the type of drone that you are interested in. The drone machine that I have suggested below “via the Amazon link” is a pretty good starter drone, it has some basic features that you can play with; but chances are that you will be wanting to upgrade to a better one very soon after.
Drones Under $500 – As mentioned in the “drones under $100” section, once you start getting past the $100 mark you start getting into some of the better drones that have some really cool features. In this range (under $500), you will find some drones that have 4K capability, decent range, decent FPV view, decent battery life, okay GPS tracking and more. The drones priced under $500 are definitely an improvement over the $100 or less drones, but still not fully capable as some of the more expensive ones. Although you might have most of the higher end features now available to you under the $500 price, the quality is still not superb. As one of the machines that I have already suggested earlier on this drone price in Nepal page, the DJI phantom 3 drone falls in the $500 and under range. This was a truly awesome drone when it first came out, but now there are even better drone with grater range, better software, better and higher quality camera system, better GPS etc. For the price of the DJI Phantom 3, you really are getting as good a quality as you will get for this amount of money. The DJI Phantom definitely is a drone that I do recommend if you have a budget of $500 and under as it does have all of the bells and whistles of some of the more expensive drones (just not as new). The Amazon link below will allow you to visit the DJI Phantom 3 product page for more details and technical specifications on it.
Drones Under $1,500 – Drone price in Nepal guide continues. Just as I mentioned above, once we pass the $500 dollar drone price mark, you start getting into some really high end drones. The drones within this price range are going to have all of the new state of the art modern drone technology built into them. I am now talking about the 14+ Mega Pixel 4K camera action, high end GPS systems, complete FPV systems with high end FPV goggles, super long 4+ mile range, long lasting battery life (almost 30 minutes) and much, much more. The Amazon link that I am providing below for my suggestion of a drone under $1,500 is the DJI Phantom 4 Pro. This particular drone packs some awesome features, it has a 20MP 4K camera, autonomous flight, up to 30 minutes of flight time, up to 45 MPH in speed and long range of 4.3 miles. This machine truly sets itself apart, take a look below.
Drones Over $1,500 – Once you start getting past the $1,500 range, things really become limitless. Now we are of course talking about drones that are currently being worked on by the big thinkers (The Amazon & the Google’s of the world). Just imagine if you had an unlimited budget? What type of a drone would you come up with? Now we are talking about the agriculture drones, drone package delivery services, wind-mill repair services and more. When the sky is the limit, there isn’t much that cannot be done. There is a saying that goes like “whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve”. As you can see, we are dreamers here at
Do You Already Have Your Mind Set On a Particular Drone? Drone Price in Sri Lanka
This last short category is just here to see if you have any questions for us on a particular drone or flying machine. If you are already decided on a drone and have more questions or concerns about it, please feel free to visit our contact page and send us a message. We have done extensive research on many different drones and drone technology in general and can definitely help.
I am really happy that you were able to visit us today and to have read through this drone price in Nepal guide. As always, happy flying my fellow drone enthusiasts.
Additional information below in regards to a few different terms and keywords that could have been utilized to find this drone price in Nepal page.
RC Drone Price in Nepal – Are you looking for an RC drone price in Nepal? The this page is definitely for you.
DJI Phantom 2 price in Nepal – DJI makes some awesome drones, we are fans ourselves :). The DJI Phantom 2 drone is an older drone, but it can still hold its own vs even some of the newest drones out there.
Quadcopter Price in Nepal – If you are looking for a quadcopter price in Nepal, this page definitely has something for you as well. Feel free to read through the page and visit some of our other guides on drone technology.
Hamrobazar Drone – Hamrobazar is like the Craigslist of Nepal. You might be able to find some good drone deals on the Hamrobazar website, but Amazon in my opinion is definitely still a market that you should definitely check out. Some of the best variety and drone deals can be found on Amazon.
Is Drone Legal in Nepal? -Drones are definitely allowed in Nepal, but there are a few different rules and regulations that must be followed for safe and legal drone flying. More to come on this.
Selfie Drone in Nepal – Most of the drones out there have cameras that allows for your to take selfies with. However, the best way to take a selfie in my option, would be to take it through an FPV camera. This page is a pretty decent resource for finding a good selfie drone in Nepal.
Selfie Drone Price in Nepal – As was just mentioned, our page that you are currently on is a good resource to get an idea of a good selfie drone price in Nepal.
Mini Drone Price in Nepal – The page that you are on here provides some decent information and a drone suggestion on mini sized drones. Have a look, there is a whole section/category about it.
Drone Price in Sri Lanka – As Nepal is in the vicinity of both India and Nepal, I have included this term here as it is valid (they are closely related neighbors). Drone price in Sri Lanka is a valid term.
Drone Price in Pakistan – Pakistan is also near Nepal and this term of Drone Price in Pakistan is a good term to include on this page.
Additional Terms and Keywords for this Page:
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