Welcome to our TOP 5 Best Drones Under 200 dollars page. Below, you will find a short table of our top 5 drone picks under the $200 dollars. The 5 drones on this page have been chosen out of a total of 20+ drones that went through a rigorous research and investigation process. I compared their features, technical specs, quality, design, look, feel and more. If you are looking for the best drone under 200 dollars, well; you’ve come to the right place.
Top 5 Best Drones Under 200 Dollars – The Complete 2018 Guide
The above table outlined just some of the key features for the top 5 best drones under 200 dollars. In the next section, you will see a second table with side by side comparisons of the most common features that you can expect to find on drones priced under $200 dollars. Immediately following the side by side comparison table, I will go ahead and go over some of the top features that are currently offered on drones. This will come in handy if you are somewhat new to drones and drone technology. Lastly, moving further down the page, I created an individual breakdown and review of my favorite drones. Included in this individual drone review is the reasoning as to why I picked these drones for the top 5 spots. I also outlined and listed the different drone features, Pros, Cons, technical specs and more.
Comparison List
In order to get an even better picture on which drone really is the best one on our list, the below table provides a side by side comparison of the different features and basic technical specifications. Once you have had a chance to go through the comparison table, please continue reading further down the page for more information. As mentioned earlier, I dip deeper into each one of the drones on this best drones under 200 dollars list in order to provide more technical information of what these drones are really capable of. Alright, let’s continue; top 5 best drones under 200 dollars broken down side by side by their features!

Alright, now that you have had a chance to look over the different best drones under 200 dollars via the side by side comparison view, we can proceed to the next phase. This next section of the page will go ahead and go over some of the features that are mentioned on this guide. This section of the page is dedicated to the novice and beginner drone pilots. If you are familiar with the following terms, then you can go ahead and skip it; FPV, FOV, VR, RH Button and others. If not, then please take a look at this quick crash course in drone technology and drone features. Alright, let’s get started.
Features Explained – Best Drones Under 200 Dollars
Have you been looking around the web and trying to make sense of all of the different acronyms and terms thrown at you in your search for a new drone? Well, this next area of this “best drones under 200 dollars guide” has been written to make things a little bit easier for you. I went ahead and put together a list of most of the common features that you will typically find on a drone that is priced under $200 dollars. If you have heard of terms such as FPV, VR, RH, HD Camera, Altitude Hold, Headless Mode etc.. and don’t quite understand what each of these terms teams, then this page is for you. The first one that I will go ahead and dissect is the FPV acronym. So what exactly does FPV mean? Well, continue reading to find out…
Drone Features Explained – FPV (First Person View)
So what exactly is FPV and how does it apply to drones? Well, the way FPV typically works is through your drone’s HD Video Camera (more to come on this). First person view mode of piloting your drone allows you to utilize your drone’s camera in order to fly your drone through your mobile device (smart phone, tablet etc..). Piloting your drone via the FPV mode allows you to see the view that you drone sees. Ever heard of birds eye view? Well this is it. The other cool thing about FPV flying is that you can take some really cool high definition video footage and imagery since you can see exactly what your HD camera is pointing at. In my opinion, FPV is one of the most important features that one should look for on a drone.
Drone Features Explained – VR (Virtual Reality)
Virtual Reality typically goes hand in hand with the FPV. I would imagine that you probably would have heard of VR by now (as the technology is really starting to come into it’s own), but if not; well no worries, I will go ahead and describe this VR concept to you a bit here on this best drones under 200 dollars guide. So VR, what exactly is it? Virtual Reality typically utilizes some type of headset or VR goggles that allow you to experience an experience like no other. The definition of VR is that a user that is using some virtual reality hardware can experience a computer-generated scenario that simulates a realistic experience. Now, VR with drones is a little bit different. Drone VR typically means that you can go ahead and get ready to fly your drone via the FPV mode. You then will place your mobile device (typically a smart phone) into a VR headset designed for smart phones. Once your phone is in the VR headset, you can then place the headset on your head and start to pilot your drone via this 360 degree experience. Quite often, you can just turn your head a certain way and your drone can actually change direction and fly in the direction where your head is facing (this is typically true with some of the more expensive drones). Anyhow, to make this a little less complicated; VR flying basically just means that you can fly your drone directly via FPV mode from inside of your VR headset. This allows for some amazing bird’s eye view experiences.
Drone Features Explained – FOV (Field Of View)
This particular term is not the most common of terms that you might come across, but I thought it a good idea to at least dig into it a bit for a better understanding of the technical specification. To put things in perspective, 120 degree field of view for example typically means that you camera will be able to see in a wide of angle view. For instance, with a 50 degree view camera, your device will typically only see what is directly in front of it (with a little bit of extra view on each side of the middle point of the camera’s view). A 120 degree camera allows your drone to have a wider view then a 50 degree camera. Most drones under around $50 dollars will typically have a 50 degree camera. 120 degree camera drones are typically found in the $100 and up price range. Please take a look at the below diagram for a visual view of how the different cameras work.
Drone Features Explained – HD Camera
You are probably wondering why I went ahead and decided to write about HD cameras. After all, HD cameras are not something that is out of the ordinary and therefor should not need any special explaining, right? Well, that may be true, but when it comes to drones; I thought it a good idea that maybe I should go ahead and cover just a few things. For instance, on this best drones under 200 dollars guide, you will have noticed that every single one of the drones mentioned here has a built in HD camera. You might also have noticed that not all of these cameras are the same quality. Let me explain. Our #1 pick on this list has an HD camera with a resolution of 1080p. The rest of the camera’s on this page however all top out at 720p resolution. So, as you can see; not all HD cameras are made equal. The same thing applies to the number of MP’s (mega pixels). Our #1 pick for instance has a 5.0mp camera, where the rest of the drones here on this top 5 best drones under 200 dollars page have a 2.0mp camera. So the general rule is, the higher the mega pixels and resolution, the higher quality of an image or video footage. I should also mention that there are even better cameras out there (2.8K, 4K resolution etc..), but to keep things in perspective, I won’t go into any detail with them as these higher quality cameras are not a part of any of the drones here on this page.
Drone Features Explained – RH Button (Return Home Button)
This is a pretty easy one to explain. The return home button does just what it sounds like. By the press of a single button, your drone will just fly back home to you; no matter where it is currently located (within the controller’s range of course). Let’s say for instance that you are flying your drone out there and decide to take some images and video footage. The moment that you finish taking your video and pictures, just press the return home button and your drone will automatically make its way back home to you. Another good reason to have the RH button capability on your drone is in the case of your drone getting lost. There are times where your drone might stop responding to your controller due to being out of controller range or other reasons (battery is low, technical malfunction etc..). Once your drone stops responding, if you press the return-home button, there is a chance that the drone will come right back home to you. If you experience lost drone issues, please visit our how to find a lost drone without a tracker page. This is also a very important feature in my opinion.
Drone Features Explained – Altitude Hold
Altitude hold has quickly become a staple in drone technology. Four out of our 5 best machines here on the best drone under 200 dollars have the altitude hold. What altitude hold allows for you to do, is to bring the drone to a specific altitude and just by the click of the altitude-hold button, you can have your drone hover in the same spot. The drone will hover there pretty much until you tell it to stop hovering, or until the battery dies. This feature is great when you are trying to take selfie pictures and video footage. It allows for you to focus the camera and to take a clear shot. This in my opinion is a pretty important feature as well.
Drone Features Explained – Headless Mode
Headless mode is one of those modes that could definitely get quite confusing to a novice drone pilot. I will do my best to explain what headless mode is and how to use it. For easier understanding, let’s go ahead and act as though you just purchased your first drone with headless mode ability. You go ahead and place this drone in front of you with the front facing forward. You start the drone and start engaging the lift off controls. The drone starts going upwards, now you engage the forward motion control and the drone starts moving forward. You then tell the drone come to a complete stop mid-air and turn the drone’s front area to face right. So here is where the headless mode comes into play. If you press forward again, your drone will not go towards the front direction of your drone (right), it will instead continue going forward according to where the drone is from your controller’s direction (if this was a none-headless mode drone, then the drone would move forward to the right, as this is the front of the drone). This is all possible due to the micro controller that is governing the actions within the drone. A very important feature indeed if you ask me.
Drone Features Explained – Gravity Sensors
Gravity sensors on a drone allow for you to fly your drone from your mobile phone. Now, you may think; well this sounds a lot like FPV mode. Well, not exactly, Gravity sensor mode allows for you to fly your drone just the by tilting of your phone. Forward tilt means go forward, backward tilt means go backward, left, right etc.. All of this is possible once you pair your drone to your phone and initiate the gravity sensor mode via your mobile device. This is a neat little feature that can be fun to try when playing around with your drone. Just think, once you have the drone paired up, you no longer have to carry your large drone controller around.
Well alright, you’ve made it to the end of the “features explained” section on this best drones under 200 dollars guide. I really hope that things are a bit clearer now as far as what the drone features are and how they work. As promised, let’s go ahead and get into the individual review and breakdown of our top best drones under 200 bucks, here we go.
Top 5 Best Drones Under 200 Dollars
#1. Holy Stone HS300
Our #1 pick for best drones under 200 dollars is Holy Stone HS300. This drone is a really good drone for beginners and intermediate drone pilots alike. If you are in the market and looking for a good solid drone that can shoot some really high definition video and take crystal clear pictures, then this drone is for you. Below, I will go into quite a bit of detail in terms of the features and technical specifications offered on this drone. Take a look.
Price: Around $180 – This drone really is a steal for the price. With the 5.0MP 1080p camera, return home button, altitude hold, long flight time and other features; it really is a steal. Once you start getting over the $250 price range, this is where you start seeing the super long range and 4K camera type drones. This is pretty much as good of a drone that one could expect to buy for this price range.
Pros: As has been mentioned throughout this best drones under 200 page already, there are quite a few pros to list for this machine. For instance, this drone has a great range and is able to fly for a great amount of time. With the 1080p 5.0MP camera, the drone is able to take some amazing shots and video footage. Return home button is a good addition as well in case of drone-loss issues as well as to just get the drone back home to you without too much hassle.
Cons: The one thing that is pretty disappointing here is the fact that this drone doesn’t have FPV. First person view mode would really have taken this drone over the top. But even with the FPV missing, the other features and technical specs on this drone really do more than make up for it.
Camera Quality: Has Camera – This drone has a 5.0MP camera that can shoot HD video in 1920*1080p resolution. This is pretty great as pretty much almost every single drone that can be found on the market for under $200 dollars has just a simple 2.0MP 720p camera. This HD camera really does set this drone apart from the crowd. I am happy to feature it as part of our top best drones under 200 dollars.
Top Range: 150 Meters – 150 meters might not sound like a whole lot to you, but this range is the best range out of all of the top 5 best drones under 200 drones listed here. When it comes to drones under $200 dollars, you will typically not see them exceed 100 meters in range. So having a range of 150 meters is something that once again sets this drone apart from the rest of the machines mentioned here.
Top Flight Time: 15+ Minutes – A total flight time of 15 minutes is pretty good. In fact, it is the top flight time out of our picks. There is one other drone that has a top flight time of 15 minutes, the rest of them are at around 10 minutes or less. So yeah, 15 minutes is not too shabby.
Return Home Button: Yes – The Holy Stone HS300 drone does indeed have the RH button capability. As mentioned earlier on this best drones under 200 dollars page, under the “features explained” section; the return home button functionality is super important when it comes to drone technology. It allows you to quickly call your drone back home to you in times of emergencies or if you are just finished filming and taking pictures.
FPV Capability: No – Unfortunately (as mentioned on the Cons section for this drone), the Holy Stone HS300 does not have FPV capability. Even though this is somewhat of a drawback to this drone’s other technical achievements; I still believe that this drone can be great for all of the other features and technical specifications that outperform the rest of the drones on this best drones under 200 dollars guide.
VR Capability: No – In order to utilize Virtual Reality headsets with a drone, the drone will typically need to be able to fly in a first person mode. Since this drone does not have FPV capability, then VR is also accordingly not available.
The Look: Good – This is one of the first models where Holy Stone is getting into the bigger sized drones. With this model, they have completely changed the look of the drone to be able to compete with some of the other bigger players like DJI. In fact, this drone somewhat looks like some of the older DJI Phantom drones. The Holy Stone drone looks solid and like it can get the job done. I give it a 4 out of 5 starts for the look.
Technical Specifications: These Technical Specifications Were Retrieved From Amazon’s Website
Camera: 120 Degree FOV – Full HD 1920 x1080 5.0MP
Drone Controller: 2.4GHz (Mode 1/2/3/4)
Maximum Speed: Multiple Speed Modes
Control Channels: 4 Channels
Maximum Controller Range: About 150+ Meters.
Type of Drone Battery: Two 7.4V Li-po batteries included
Total Charging time: 200 Minutes
Maximum Flight Time: About 15+ minutes
Fully Expanded Drone Size: 195*7.5*19 inches
Drone Weight: 1.4 pounds
Conclusion: This is one of Holy Stone’s better drones and definitely deserves to be here on this best drones under 200 list. With the drone’s great 1080p HD camera, long range and flight time, return home and other features, you are definitely in store for hours and hours of fun. If the drone would have had FPV built in, it definitely would have made things better; but in my opinion, the rest of the technical specs and features on this drone still make this a winner. If you are looking for a drone that has FPV and other similar features like this one; then please go ahead and take a look at the next 4 of our best drone picks.
#2. Drocon X708W
This drone really is a great looking drone. The great thing about it though, is that it is not just a great looking drone; but it is also a drone that is full of awesome features and great technical specs. This drone is great for beginner drone pilots. Let’s go ahead and get right into the good stuff, here we go.
Price: Around $73 – Coming in at under $80, this drone really is a great purchase. With all of the great features that you get with this machine, you really can’t go wrong.
Pros: The Drocon X708W drone comes packed with some high end features and technical specs. To start things off, the drone has FPV, an HD camera, RH button, headless mode, VR capability, great charging time and more. If you are looking for a great affordable FPV drone, then this is your bird.
Cons: This drone is pretty good for the price. The only thing that it lacks is an altitude hold option. The altitude option allows your drone to hover in the same spot at the click of a button.
Camera Quality: Has Camera – The camera on this best drones under 200 dollars pick is a 2.0MP 720p HD camera. Definitely not as clear as the 1080p camera, but still an HD cam. If you are looking for an inexpensive FPV drone with and HD camera, then you’ve come to the right place.
Top Range: 80 Meters – Coming in at 80 meters of range, this drone’s range is slightly less than the rest of the drones on this best drones under 200 dollars guide. However, even at a range of 80 meters, there is still plenty of fun to have with the rest of the features on the drone.
Top Flight Time: 15+ Minutes – The flight time for this drone is right up there with the rest of the drones on this guide. At 15 minutes of maximum flight, you can take quite a bit of video footage, HD pictures, fly FPV and more. Not a bad flight time.
Return Home Button: Yes – This drone definitely has the return home button. Once you are done flying around and taking some HD footage on your Drocon X708W’s camera, you can just press the return home button once and the drone will come flying back to you immediately.
FPV Capability: Yes – The FPV on this drone is great. It utilizes real time WIFI transmission and the drone’s HD camera for the FPV mode. You can control your drone directly from your mobile device. This is definitely a plus when it comes to drone features. It also comes in very handy when trying to take HD video and pictures.
VR Capability: Yes – VR Mode is definitely there and ready to be utilized on the Drocon X708W quadcopter drone. To get VR working for the drone, just go ahead and click on the function icon on your mobile device’s App. You can then utilize your own VR headset to experience high definition 3D viewing and control during the drone’s flight. This feature coupled with the FPV feature is one of the reasons why this drone made it on our best drones under 200 dollars list.
The Look: Great – The look on this drone is absolutely amazing. The curvy edges with the black shiny paint job help this drone look like a racing drone. In fact, I’m sure if you just made a few after-market adjustments to this drone; you could probably get some racing action out of it too. I’m sure the aerodynamics are strong with this one.
Technical Specifications: These Technical Specifications Were Retrieved From Amazon’s Website
Camera: HD 1280 x 720p 2.0MP
Drone Controller: 2.4GHz
Maximum Speed: Two Speed Modes
Control Channels: 2 Channels
Maximum Controller Range: About 80+ Meters.
Type of Drone Battery: 3.7V 550mAh Lithium
Total Charging time: 60 Minutes
Maximum Flight Time: About 15+ minutes
Fully Expanded Drone Size: 16.8 * 9.8 * 4.2 inches
Drone Weight: 1.55 pounds
Conclusion: Drocon X708W quadcopter drone – If you are looking for a good and inexpensive drone that is capable of shooting HD video via FPV while wearing some VR gear, then this drone is for you. With a drone that is jam packed with good features and priced of under $80, this is really a great buy. This is one of our only truly beginner drones that I am showcasing here on this best drones under 200 dollars page.
#3. Holy Stone F181W
The Holy Stone F181W drone has made it to our best drones under 200 dollars guide as it really has a great set of features and technical specs. Equipped with FPV, VR, HD Camera and other features, this drone is a great choice when it comes to drones under 200 dollars.
Price: Around $120 – Priced at a reasonable $120 dollars, you can get a drone that has multiple speeds, HD camera, FPV mode, VR and more. If you are looking for a great beginner to intermediate level of drone, then you’ve found one.
Pros: This Holy Stone F181W drone is definitely sporting some great features and technical specs. Can someone say 3D Flips? Heck yes. Also, the range on this drone is comparable to the rest of the machines on this best drones under 200 dollars guide, as is the camera, Altitude Hold, FPV, VR, RH button and the rest of the features offered.
Cons: Two of our top drones on this best drones under 200 dollars page have a flying time of 15 minutes; this is unfortunately not one of those two. This particular drone can only fly for roughly 10 minutes or so. This drawback is definitely not a huge thing to be worried about (as most drones under $200 dollars typically have short flight times), but I thought that I should point it out.
Camera Quality: Has Camera – This drone’s camera is a 2.0MP 720p HD camera. It is a pretty standard type of drone camera that you can expect to find on most drones for this price. The camera allows for you to take some HD video as well as HD pictures, so not a bad deal at all. The thing that really sets this camera apart from some of the other drones on this page is that it has 120 degree wide angle view.
Top Range: 100 Meters – The range on this drone is decent. There is only a single drone on this best drones under 200 dollars page that has it beat. It is pretty comparable to the rest of the machines here on this best of drones list.
Top Flight Time: 10+ Minutes – As mentioned on the cons section of this individual Holy Stone F181W review, the top flight time of 10 minutes is pretty standard in this price range. If you are looking at a drone with higher flight times, then please take a look at our Best Drone For Under 500 Dollars page. There you will find some drones that can fly for 1+ miles.
Return Home Button: Yes – The return home key works pretty well on this drone. As mentioned on our Features* section earlier, the RH button function is a pretty important one. So it is a great addition for this drone to have this feature.
FPV Capability: Yes – Looking for some FPV action? Well, you’ve found it. The Holy Stone F181W drone has the FPV capability that allows for wireless-transmitting control of the drone.
VR Capability: Yes – This drone is compatible with VR. You will need to provide your own VR headset in order to utilize this function.
The Look: Great – Holy Stone has been in the drone business for years and they really know their stuff. When it comes to drone technology and drone looks, Holy Stone has drone a pretty good job. The F181W is no exception either. With the awesome blue and black color scheme, sporty look and propeller blade guards; this drone is ready for some serious flight.
Technical Specifications: These Technical Specifications Were Retrieved From Amazon’s Website
Camera: HD 1280×720p 120°FOV Wide-angle Wifi Camera
Drone Controller: 2.4GHz
Maximum Speed: Multiple Speed Modes
Control Channels: 2 Channels
Maximum Controller Range: About 100+ Meters.
Type of Drone Battery: Two 3.7 V 750mAh LiPo Batteries
Total Charging time: 90 Minutes
Maximum Flight Time: About 10+ minutes
Fully Expanded Drone Size: 12.6*3.3*12.6 Inches
Drone Weight: 4.9 Ounces
Conclusion: If you are looking for a solid and durable drone from a well known name in drone manufacturing, then look no further. The Holy Stone F181W drone has all of the features that you could want for a price range of under $200 dollars. It has FPV capability, RH button feature, HD camera, 3D Flips, Altitude Hold and more. This drone right here is really a good overall machine and I am glad to have it here on this best drones under 200 dollars guide.
#4. Tozo Q1012
This folding drone machine is really a special peace of technology. It is super slick looking and can go just about anywhere with you in terms of traveling. This drone has a built in HD camera that can take some great footage and pictures on your vacation or trip. Ohh, and the best thing about it.. Wait for it.. It’s only $60. Take a look below for the review and features and technical specs breakdown
Price: Around $60 – Coming in at just around $60, this is the cheapest drone on this best drones under 200 dollars guide. If you are looking for an affordable drone that has most of the cool features that I have been going over on this page, then look no further.
Pros: This Tozo Q1012 drone has some pretty cool stuff going for it. First of all, it is a folding drone. What this means is that the actual arms where the propellers are attached fold in. This is super handy when going on a trip. The drone also has your everyday drone features like; FPV, HD camera, VR capability, altitude hold, headless mode and more.
Cons: With such a great package for such a small price, how can I say anything negative here about this drone? There really isn’t anything bad to say about it. What you see is what you get; a $60 dollar drone with a ton of awesome features. I guess there actually might be one thing; there is no return home button functionality on this drone.
Camera Quality: Has Camera – The camera on this drone is a 720p HD camera. It is a standard 2.0MP camera that can take some decent video footage and images. If you are looking for a basic drone that can take some decent HD pictures and footage, then this bird should be a good fit.
Top Range: 100 Meters – This type of range is pretty standard for the drones under 200 dollars. This best drones under 200 dollars page features a single machine that can go further than 100 meters. What this tells us is that 100 meters of range really isn’t a bad range at all.
Top Flight Time: 10+ Minutes – The Tozo Q1012 drone’s flight time is also pretty average for this price range. As mentioned earlier, if you are looking for drones that have much higher range; go ahead and take a look at our under $500 dollar drone page link from above.
Return Home Button: No – This drone does not have the RH button functionality. Still though, for $60 dollars; this drone is jam packed with cool features. This feature in my opinion can be overlooked on this particular machine just because of the price that it is being offered for.
FPV Capability: Yes – This drone most definitely sport’s an FPV control mode. What this means; is that under $60 dollars, you can go ahead and fly this drone via the wireless FPV mode.
VR Capability: No – VR Mode is not included with this particular drone. However, with the FPV functionality already built into the drone; you might be able to make some aftermarket adjustments to get VR working (that is, if you are somewhat tech savvy).
The Look: Great – The Tozo Q1012 drone is truly a looker. Coming with a folding design, sleek black edges and curves; this makes for a very good looking drone. This is definitely one of my personal better looking favorite drones that I was able to review here for thi best drones under 200 dollars list.
Technical Specifications: These Technical Specifications Were Retrieved From Amazon’s Website
Camera: HD 1280 x 720p 2.0MP
Drone Controller: 2.4GHz
Maximum Speed: 3 Speed Modes
Control Channels: 2 Channels
Maximum Controller Range: About 100+ Meters.
Type of Drone Battery: 3.7V 650mAh Lithium
Total Charging time: 80 Minutes
Maximum Flight Time: About 10+ minutes
Fully Expanded Drone Size: 122*94*57mm
Drone Weight: 5.3 Ounces
Conclusion: As I have mentioned here multiple times already, the Tozo Q1012 drone is the cheapest drone on this guide for best drones under 200 dollars. If you are looking for an FPV drone with an HD camera for under $60, then you’ve found it. I especially love the fact that the wings on the drone can fold in. Even though the drone doesn’t have the RH button feature, the rest of the specs on it more then make up for it (in my opinion).
#4. Holy Stone HS200
This is a good overall drone that has all of your basic features like FPV, return home button, HD camera, altitude hold, headless mode and more. If you are looking for a good solid drone from a well known drone manufacturer, then the Holy Stone HS200 is the perfect match. Take a look below for more details.
Price: Around $120 – The Holy Stone HS200 is a good drone with your most common features and decent technical specs. This drone has been selected from 20+ other drones under $200 to be a part of this best drones under 200 dollars list. The drone really provides good value for the price.
Pros: As mentioned earlier, this drone sports an FPV mode capability, along with an HD camera, RH button, altitude hold, headless mode as well as decent range & flying time. The Holy Stone HS200 drone also does some stunts (flips). This truly is a fun little machine that won’t disappoint.
Cons: The one thing that could be useful on this drone is the VR capability. This drone however does not have the VR option. Additionally, as with all of the other drones on this page; the biggest thing that comes to mind in terms of a feature or technical spec that is missing or not that great, would be the lack of GPS. As you can imagine, creating a drone with some many features (mentioned on the Pro’s section) takes quite a bit of capital and innovation. If one was to add a GPS system to this unit, then the price would of course go up quite a bit. You will typically not find a drone with GPS on it for under $200 dollars. Now, if you really would like a drone that has GPS capability, then please visit our Best Drone For Under 500 dollars page for more information.
Camera Quality: Has Camera – This drone is equipped with a 720p 2.0MP HD camera that is capable of taking high definition video as well as high-def images. This camera is capable of providing FPV mode for your drone flying experience. This basic camera gets the job done.
Top Range: 100 Meters – There is a reason as to why this drone made it to this “best drones under 200” dollars guide. It is due to all of the great features and great price that comes with it. With that being the case; the range on this drone is no different. Coming in at 100 meters of range, the Holy Stone HS200 is definitely able to hold it’s own. For a price of around $120 dollars, this drone really is a steal.
Top Flight Time: 9+ Minutes – This drone is capable of flying non-stop for roughly 9 minutes. In most cases, this would not be the greatest of flight times; but in all honesty; for the price that you are paying for this FPV HD camera drone, the 9 minutes of flight time should be plenty. Once again, there are better flying time drones out there, but not much better for under $200 dollars. If you are willing to spend a little bit more, then you can get into the 20+ minutes of flying time drones.
Return Home Button: Yes – As mentioned earlier, the features are one of the bigger reasons as to why this drone made it to our best drones under 200 dollars list. This drone does indeed have a RH button feature. It can be utilized to bring the drone back home to you quickly in cases of emergencies or if you are just ready to call it a day after a long time of filming.
FPV Capability: Yes – The 720p 2.0MP camera on this drone allows for FPV capability. The Holy Stone HS200 bird allows you to fly via the first person view in real time. The FPV mode enables you to take aerial photography and HD video with your iPhone or Android mobile device.
VR Capability: No – This unfortunately is one more drone that does not have VR capability. Is it possible to maybe try to utilize VR with this drone? Maybe so; but the drone itself is not really built for this.
The Look: Good – This particular drone has a good look to it. With the hot-red color, you might get into some problems with the law (speeding tickets anyone?). No, but seriously; all jokes aside, this drone really does look good. With the propeller guards, it can withstand some physical bang-up damage, it has some great curves and a cool design.
Technical Specifications: These Technical Specifications Were Retrieved From Amazon’s Website
Camera: HD 1280 x 720p 2.0MP
Drone Controller: 2.4GHz
Maximum Speed: 3 Speed Modes
Control Channels: 4 Channels
Maximum Controller Range: About 100+ Meters.
Type of Drone Battery: 3.7V 650mAh LiPo Battery
Total Charging time: 60 Minutes
Maximum Flight Time: About 9+ minutes
Fully Expanded Drone Size: 12.6*12.6*2.6 Inches
Drone Weight: 108 grams
Conclusion: If you are looking for a drone that has most of your basic features; like FPV, RH button, altitude hold, HD camera, flips and more, then you have found it. As you might already know, Holy Stone is probably the most widely recognized drone manufacturer out there (aside from DJI maybe). Where DJI excels on the high end drone side, Holy Stone does it proper with the lower priced drones.
Well my friend, we have come to the end of this best drones under 200 dollars guide. I really hope that the information on this page has been helpful with your drones purchasing experience. Here at DroneFlyTech.com, we specialize in drone technology information and I really strive to provide the most accurate information possible to help make your drone buying and flying experience a pleasant one. Along with all of the best drone guides that we have on the site, there are also a few more guides with information on how to find a lost drone, how to build your own drone, drone videography information and more. Please look at the above main menu to find those guides. If you do have any questions or concerns in regards to anything on our website; whether it is a question about a particular drone that we have reviewed, one that one have not as of yet or even questions about some of the other guides. Please do not hesitate to send us a quick message through our contact-us page.
If you would like additinal pricing ranges for drones; please visit our How Much Does a Drone Cost page.
I wish you the best of luck on your drone flying journey, and as always; Happy Flying!
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